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Shri Jaideep Bihani


Message From Our President

Philanthropy is a legacy which was started by my grandfather Seth Girdhari Lal Ji Bihani by establishing Seth G.L Bihani SD Shiksha trust in year 1951. Exigency of education in the region drove him to take this initiative which was started with the opening of a primary school. This mission of my grand father was taken up further by his son and my Bhamashah Seth Sushil kumar ji Bihani. He Invested his soul in nurturing the dream of his father. With the passing years, the small seed of primary school sown in year 1951 transformed into a huge tree and imparted ites shade of education in the fields of Arts, Sciences,Commerce Agriculture, Education Pharmacy and Law.


A premier institution of excellence in imparting legal education by nurturing students to meet limitlesss opportunities in legal profession,judiciary and academics,setting up new standards in legal education by inculcating a sense of professionalism, respect for rule of law and responsibility towards the society and to be the first choice institution of students in India, seeking education in law by providing gllobalized legal education.


To achieve this vision, the college strives to impart comprehensive legal education and to achieve excellence in the legal field by creating an environment in which every student discovers and realizes his potential to the fullest extent so that intellectually capable Bar and Bench can emerge in the legal field that emphasizes legal literacy and critical thinking through humanistic approach.

Core Value

Keep it real: We believe in being genuine and authentic in everything we do. No pretenses, just honest and straightforward communication.Embrace the chaos: Life is messy, and that's okay! We thrive on adapting to unexpected challenges and finding creative solutions.Have fun along the way: We believe work doesn't have to be boring. We encourage a lighthearted and enjoyable atmosphere where laughter and smiles are always welcome.Be accountable: We take ownership of our actions and decisions. We believe in delivering on our promises and taking responsibility for our mistakes.